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Brown Puzzle Club

The home of the puzzlehunting community at Brown University.

What is a puzzlehunt (or puzzle hunt)?

A puzzlehunt is an event where teams of people compete to solve puzzles. These puzzles can be anything: word games, logic puzzles, video games, physical objects, or in-person challenges.

What do you do?

  • We write yearly puzzlehunts! (See our archive.)
  • We solve puzzlehunts together!
    • For big hunts (like MIT Mystery Hunt), many in our club hunt with a larger team known as Providence.
    • For smaller hunts, check out our Discord or listserv to hear when we're putting together our teams.
  • We work on other cool events:
  • We have General Body Meetings once a week: Thursdays, at 7pm, in Page-Robinson 401.

How can I get involved?

If you're a Brown student, join our listserv! You can also join our Discord through the Brown Student Hub.

If you're not a Brown student, support us by donating to our club; proceeds go primarily towards server costs and other expenses around hosting events like Brown Puzzlehunt or Puzzlethon.

Got questions? Email us at

Also, check us out on Instagram!

BPC Logo by Eliot Geer. Blueno art by Phil Avilov, Talia Bloomfield, Lucid Clairvoyant, Jaclyn Cohen, Eliot Geer, and Bailey Merlino.